
Monday, March 21, 2011

Back of the Container: Ricotta Pancakes

My son, carbo-loaded on Ricotta Pancakes at his very first high school track meet. Look at that kid fly!

My son is running track and had his first meet ever on Saturday. I have heard of "carbo loading" but as a nervous newbie track mom, may have gone a little overboard. I made lasagna and then had about half a container of this cheese left, turned it over and saw a recipe for Heavenly Ricotta Pancakes. More carbs! Why not?

The recipe calls for 1 1/4 cup complete pancake mix (bleh), 1 1/3 cups milk, and 1 cup ricotta. I used my failproof Fannie Farmer pancake recipe (I'm sure you have a favorite too) and just added the cup of ricotta to the batter, and cooked as usual.

Your batter will be thicker than normal.

The thicker batter will make about a dozen pancakes, but since they were dessert for us, it was enough.

I threw about 2 cups of frozen blueberries in a small saucepan and added 1/4 cup of water, 1/4 cup sugar, and simmered them for about 5 minutes. I thickened the sauce with a cornstarch/water slurry (about 1 teaspoon cornstarch to a few Tablespoons water), poured it on top of the pancakes, and dusted it with powdered sugar.

These were so good. They were really tender and light and quick to make. And speaking of light and quick, I'd like to say that photo of my son running all alone was him way out in front of the competition because of his mama's love, but in actuality he was bringing up the rear. Oh well. He was the cutest.


  1. Good on him, I remember I hated track at school! Those pancakes look good though :D

  2. I didn't like track too! I was so bad at any sport!

    The pancakes looks easy to make, I should try that one.


  3. Yeah, he didn't get his love of running from his mom, that's for sure.
