
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fondant Easter Cookies

Lately, it seems that any time I turn on the TV, I can find some variation of a cake decorating show. I have to say, they kind of suck you in. The contest ones are fun (Oh no! The frosting is melting because those cupcakes didn't have time to cool and the buzzer is about to ring!), but I prefer the ones where they just make a super amazing cake. There's still drama (will it fall over on the way to the wedding?) and I don't really want to know how it tastes anyway--I just want to see what it looks like.

My daughter has been a fan of Sculpey clay since she was a preschooler, and if they sold it at Costco we'd buy it by the ton. Through all those cake decorating shows, I discovered fondant--clay that tastes like candy. Elise's personal nirvana!

We found some at Michaels and tinted four good-sized blobs in Easter colors, then let Elise and her friend get to work, decorating egg-shaped sugar cookies to put out for Easter dessert. The fondant made the project way more fun than just using frosting and sprinkles, and also kept the girls busy for hours (spring break time-killer, anyone?).

Elise even created a "Glee" cheerleader. I'm sure Grandma will appreciate that. If you don't already have a favorite sugar cookie recipe, this one was pretty good; it didn't spread much and was tasty to boot.

Here's what you'll need to gather:
Egg-shaped sugar cookies, baked and cooled
Frosting (any buttercream will do)
Fondant, tinted in several different colors and rolled thin (roll it out on a board sprinkled with powdered sugar if it sticks)
Assorted sprinkles

I'll respect your intelligence and stop the instructions here--I'm sure you've done the sugar cookie thing before.

Happy Easter everyone!

1 comment:

  1. The cookies look sweet and I bet the kids had a ball. What's not to like about fondant? You can sculpt it like clay and it's sweet and tasty too (the fondant not the clay!).

    Saw your post on The Etsy Blog Team thread, I think your blog is neat and love the fact that it is based upon "the ordinary"...ordinary is what life is all about. :) I'm now a new follower of yours.
