
Monday, April 11, 2011

Friendly Competition: Grilled Cheese

When I was a kid, I had two favorite meals. The first was breakfast: grits and Tang. Remember Tang? The astronauts drank it. The second was a sandwich my dad would make for me at lunchtime on weekends. Grilled cheese and baloney sandwiches with tomato and onion. Hey--don't knock it til you've tried it.

This week, Amy from the Grody Gourmet and I are making grilled cheese sandwiches. If you'd like to play along, come up with your most ingenious grilled cheese recipe and be ready to post it on your blog Friday. Send me the link and I'll post it here as well.


  1. Awesome! I love a grilled cheese challenge!

  2. OMIGOSH... so great. My hubby makes me the very best ooey gooey grilled cheese whenever I'm sick. YUMMO!

  3. Wow--baloney? I guess me Dad used to grill baloney and he swore by it as the best sandwich ingredient eevr.
