
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Shameless Plug: Imaginative Play Toys

Perfect for the little boy who dreams of a career in the construction field
(note the absence of a "middle management" playhouse).

Your child's name above the door and felt "mail" with your street number
is a great tool to help kids learn their address.

Today I'm plugging an amazing shop that happens to belong to my Etsy BFF, Julie. She sews playhouses out of felt that fit over your card table, and fold up when you need to use the card table for something boring, like eating...or playing cards.

Look at all the details she puts in--makes my
scissors hand tired just thinking about it.

If you really want to send the playgroup (or better yet, the playgroup moms) into a tizzy, get Jr. the "Palatial Playhouse", with a peaked roof that allows the kids room to play standing up.

If you're like me, a grunt type who doesn't mind the labor but doesn't have the creative vision to design one of these, you can buy detailed patterns and sew it yourself. Check out Imaginative Play Toys at


  1. I've admired her playhouses for quite a while -- drooling over each one! I just peeked in her shop and OMG the 'Garden to Table' one is amazing! I love the way it's interactive!

  2. Wow, that's amazing! My niece has something like that she puts over her bed.

  3. Oh my gosh these are adorable! I don't have kids yet but I would have LOVED to have had one of these as a child! Thanks for sharing. :)

