
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cigar Box Recipes: Coconut Cake

Once a year when I was growing up, Momer would fly from Alabama to visit us in California. As soon as she unpacked, we'd run to the closet and smell her clothes--it sounds so weird now, but we loved her smell. Sweet and baby-powderish.

And at some point during the visit, she'd make us her famous coconut cake. She'd go into the garage with a coconut and a hammer, pour the juice out for us to drink, and grate the meat for her recipe. She always insisted we wait three days to eat the cake, but I must admit that I made this recipe in the morning and we inhaled it that night.

Coconut Cream Cake
1 pkg. butter-flavored cake mix
2 cups sugar
1 8-oz. carton sour cream
12 oz. grated coconut
1 1/2 cups whipped cream
Bake cake in 4 layers. Cool. Combine sugar, sour cream and coconut. Chill. Reserve 1 cup for frosting. Spread remainder between layers. Combine reserved sour cream mixture and whipped cream; blend until smooth. Spread on top and sides of cake. Seal cake in air-tight container, and refrigerate for 3 days before serving. It's worth waiting for.

Janet's Notes: I baked this in 3 layers because I didn't have a fourth cake pan. The filling was a little grainy (maybe because we didn't wait 3 days to eat it) and I doubt I'll be more patient next time, so I might use powdered sugar instead of granulated. I also used packaged coconut instead of fresh.

The shirtless wonder bakes a cake.


  1. People were more patient 'back then' or they were just used to not having things so easy. I'll share this post with my daughter, she loves to cook!

  2. Mmm... Maybe sneak the explanation of why we called her Momer into your next post about her.

  3. I have no idea why we call her Momer.
