
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Reluctant Hostess

My friend Macie hates to cook. We meet once a week for lunch and I secretly suspect she is only doing it so that she can serve the leftovers to her family for dinner.

Well, imagine her surprise when she found herself in charge of lunch for 40 at her sister's baby shower recently. She turned to me and I turned to Jen, hostess extraordinaire. Jen's advice: "Don't cook; assemble."

What does it mean? This:


Cooking: Quiche
Assembling: Fresh mozzarella, basil leaves and cherry tomatoes on skewers, with oil and balsamic vinegar drizzled on top

Main Dish
Cooking: Enchiladas
Assembling: Chef salad

Cooking: Cake
Assembling: Costco Cake

OK, that last one might not followed the concept exactly, but you get the idea.

Above all, be flexible. Macie was thrown when many of the ingredients she needed were out of stock/out of season/too expensive. ($3.50 for a red bell pepper?!) So her tray of grapes and brie became a mixed berry salad, and the magic salad she'd planned on became chicken salad sandwiches made with chopped chicken and the basil dressing she'd made the day before. (She served it to rave reviews and ended up with a new recipe.)

Follow these tips and who knows? You might actually get to enjoy the day too.

Macie's Menu: Baby Shower Luncheon for 40
Mixed fruit salad
Spinach dip with pita chips and raw veggies
Chicken salad sandwiches
Green salad
Lemonade, sparkling water, juices

See how everyone is giving big toothy smiles except Macie?
That's because they weren't in charge of the food.


  1. Oh my goodness! 40 people would definitely have to be under the "catered" file for me. I'd be too nervous. Sounds like a great menu and a fun event!

  2. Looks like Macie came through with flying colors. Also her menu was pretty health conscious too, great for those watching their diet, counting calories and it was considerate of any vegetarians in the group.

  3. Looks like Macie assembled well! Nicely done, Macie!!

  4. It all looks great--definitely perfect baby shower food. Also, just letting you know you won the giveaway on my blog! Email me with your address and I'll get your prize in the mail :)

  5. Your blog is really fun! I'm going to have to try some of those recipes! Thanks for sharing!
