
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Shameless Plug: Helldorado Clothing

So through the miracle of Facebook I'm once again friends with my old friend Dustin. We met many years ago when we both worked at a restaurant together, where I was a subpar waitress and he was a busboy with a bad attitude. He has since given up his table-clearing career to focus on clothing design.

Dustin's company, Helldorado, recently set up a booth at an auto show near me, so I went to check it out. It's clothing just this side of inappropriate, but with a good dose of self-deprecating humor. Just like Dustin, actually. Don't know if I could pull it off at the PTA meeting, but I think it's great nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. I love the plaid! Too bad my husband has an office job and none of this would be "appropriate."
