
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vinyl Decal Decorated Cabinet

I have been looking for a cabinet that will fit the corner of my kitchen. It's a very narrow space between the window and the pantry so it couldn't be more than 23" wide or 12" deep and I needed drawers and shelves to hold my work supplies. I bought a tape measure to keep in my purse and every time I went into a store that had furniture, I'd look. And every week or so, I'd check Craigslist--nothing. For so long that it became part of my regular routine.

Can you spot the kitty?

Finally, FINALLY, I found this beauty for $40 on Craigslist. It was absolutely perfect, except that there is not a single piece of white furniture in my entire house. Luckily, my can of black spray paint is still warm from the last project I conquered.

Aah, better already.

Now to jazz it up a little. I used these vinyl decals but if your taste is not as quirky as mine, there are plenty of more classic options like birds or trees that are a little more understated.


  1. Oh my goodness! I love it! The decals give it such a great flare. Great job!

  2. That is the perfect size, and it came out great! I love small cabinets like that.

  3. Wow - excellent find and work decorating it!

  4. Beautiful! Such a stunning transformation. I love the decals idea - it completes the piece.


  5. What an awesome transformation! And what a great find!

  6. Wow, the cabinet looks so cool now, somehow jazzy :))

  7. I LOVE it! I thought it looked good at first, but after seeing the final project, only one word comes to mind-AMAZING! You did an awesome transformation :)

  8. Wow, gorgeous, I wish I had your energy and creativity. Judy

  9. It turned out beautiful and it's perfect for your space. I would have went with black paint too because it would fit my space better than white.

    I really have to look into those vinyl decals. I'm seeing so many cute things being done with them.

  10. 40 bucks for that piece was already a steal, but now you even made it look like a custom made piece for your style. Well done!!

  11. Such a great idea! I design vinyl decals for a company and I've never thought about using them in this way.

  12. LOVE this piece!! Thanks for the blog comment and glad you noticed my Etsy name - DeeCaffeinated! ♥

  13. It is gorgeous! and makes me wanna do my hallway project (I was planning to paint dandelions on a wall) :))

  14. Just saw this older post. What a marvelous transformation - the small cabinet doesn't look anything like the Plain Jane it used to be, now it is vivacious and fun.

  15. I love it!! What a great idea to use the decals. They really make it special.
