
Friday, July 8, 2011

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies EVER!

Do you know that urban legend about the Neiman Marcus cookies? A lady eats them in the store restaurant and asks for the recipe, and they say they'll charge her "two-fifty." She assumes $2.50 but when her credit card statement comes, she sees it's $250. She's so mad she posts the recipe all over the Internet. The story may be myth but the cookies are awesomely real! They make a huge splash anytime I serve them.

Elise made these cookies herself, but could not contain her creative side, and didn't believe me when I said they'd spread. These are goldfish cookies, tinted orange.

An underwater extravaganza! And I thought she was just making cookies.

The only downside to her doing it herself. Totally worth it.

Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 cup butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt (I use the flakes because they're a little coarser and taste better in baked goods)
2 1/2 cup oats (grind it in a blender as fine as you can so the kids don't find it)
12 oz. chocolate chips

Cream butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla. Mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda. Add chocolate chips. Place tbsp. sized dollops about 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 9-11 minutes.

Janet's Notes: Try to slightly underbake these cookies, kind of like you would for a gooey brownie. They should look just barely underdone when you take them out of the oven.


  1. Oh my goodness...if I wasn't at work I would be making a plan of action aka a shopping list for these cookies! Yum!

  2. MMMM.... someone would have to do the same to the oatmeal to get me to eat it!!! :P :P

    Sea Marie

  3. I definitely think it was worth it too:):)

  4. I'm seriously craving chocolate now! Those look so good!

  5. I never thought to actually try out the Neiman Marcus recipe before--I think I will now

  6. Yum... I think I need to make a grocery store run to buy ingredients right now! Excuse me:)

  7. Oh, the mess - eeks! Atleast the delicious cookies are ready for you to eat while you clean :) The underwater scene is very creative!

  8. Haha. I love the photo of the aftermath. I've heard the Neiman Marcus story but never actually made these cookies. I'm bookmarking this page to try sometime soon. And I love Elise's "under the sea" spread!

  9. Oh, I can't wait to try them myself with my daughter. Hopefully she won't go for the gold fish...

  10. I've heard of that story but I've never tried making these cookies. I love the Doubletree ones though! Thanks for the recipe!

  11. I've heard of that story before. They look fantastic. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog and I'd love it if you'd come by and link your cookies up.

  12. I've heard of these cookies and the story before, but have never made or tasted these. I see myself baking them soon! :)

  13. I think everyone has probably received that email about the Neiman Marcus cookie recipe and it will most likely be around for ... well for ever. :D However a good cookie recipe is worth its weight in chocolate chips.

  14. I made these this week and they were WONDERFUL! Thank you for posting the recipe :)

  15. I am so glad you liked them and thank you for trying them!

  16. These are the best ever! The only kind we make!

  17. I baked these cookies using your recipe...
    halved it... and it came out perfect..
    i also added some raisins...

    thank u so much for this recipe... i think i am gonna bake these on a weekly basis along with my batch of weekly muffins :)

  18. I am so glad you tried them Neha! Can't imagine halving the recipe though--we usually double it!
