
Thursday, July 7, 2011


Moooooommmmm, what's to eat?

Moooooommmmm, can I have a cookie/candy/Gatorade?

I can't decide which request (usually shouted from another room) I hate more. If it's healthy, I have to make it. If they can get it themselves, it's unhealthy. We sat down recently as a family, and discussed some ideas for healthy snacks that the kids can get for themselves. All 3 kids love hummus, but wow! it's surprisingly expensive for being basically bean dip. Here's my budget-friendly version, with the added bonus of no preservatives.


1 lb. Dried garbanzo beans, cooked and drained (save bean water)

Juice from one large lemon

3 cloves of garlic

¼ c. olive oil

1 tsp. Salt

2 generous T tahini

Mince garlic in food processor. Add cooked beans, lemon juice, tahini and salt. Process until smooth, adding up to 1 cup of bean water (I used about ¾ cup) until you get the consistency you like. This hummus is pretty garlicky so you may want to use just two cloves if you’re a big baby.


  1. That sounds so delicious and super easy to make:):)

  2. Oh, I hear you!! Our kitchen has been a slew of popcorn, candy, chips and pretzels. My kids don't love hummus, but I do! Unfortunately I also really like those chips that go with it. Have been trying to use snap peas and broccoli instead, but somehow it's just not the same. I've had a recipe for cilantro hummus on the counter for over a month... I think I need to try it!
    Glad you found a healthy option!

  3. YUM!!!! I love hummus! Mine is usually pretty garlicy too. Sometimes, I also like to add a little cilantro and then dip cucumbers in it on a hot day!

  4. p.s. Does your spider bowl ever trick you? I think it would scare me every time I turned around and saw it :)

  5. do you like the consistency of your homemade hummus? I have tried making it before as it is a favorite snack in our house too, but I can never get it quite smooth enough for our taste.

  6. I have recently decided that roasted red pepper hummus is my favorite, usually with naan bread. At one point my husband was making his own...maybe I will have to get him going again!

  7. I've often wondered why things that are healthy for us usually cost more than the stuff that's guaranteed to put us into an early grave ?
    Love garbanzo beans (or chick peas if one wishes to call them that) and garlic is a staple around our house, sort of like milk and bread !

  8. I flipping LOVE hummus... and my friend makes it with warm, made from scratch pita bread. I DIE. Orangies Attic
